Day 7: (Re)Housing the American Dream: Freedom Principles

Who are we, as the new generation of ‘freedom fighters’ advocates, organizers, leaders, change makers? What is our role, how can we take charge? How do we take action? What does action look like? What do we need in order for freedom to exist? What conditions? What freedom principles do we need?

Day 6: (Re)Housing the American Dream: Freedom Principles

What do you stand for, what would you fight for, what is the message you want to broadcast to the world? What do you think is something everyone should consider, think about? What do you have to say? And who do you want to say it to? What are ways in which you can say it?

Day 5: (Re)Housing the American Dream: Freedom Principles

What are ways we transmit messages, facts, meanings, opinions, stories, perspectives, propaganda, fears, desires, hopes? Through which kind of media exits our freedom of speech? Who can broadcast, who can listen. Who has access to this information? We look at the historical role of radio throughout the times, from WWII through radio pirate boats in the seventies and Radio Freedom; the radio propaganda arm of the African National Congress during the anti-Apartheid struggle from the 1970s through the 1990s. How has radio been used in pursuit of freedom and how has radio been used to oppress, instigate, retaliate? We also contemplate: what does freedom feel like? What does it feel like not to be free?

Day 3: (Re)Housing the American Dream: Freedom Principles

What does it mean to be a body in public space? Is every body as free to move, to protest, to take up space, to celebrate? What does it mean to be a person of color, or female, or transgender, a Muslim, or a young black male, navigating public space? How is your body perceived? How is a collective body perceived? What kind of bodies is a collective body made of? How can we use our bodies to claim space, create space, space, mark space, protest, resist, shape? How does your body move towards freedom? What are the signs, the gestures your body makes? What is a choreography of resistance, of change?

Video Interviews: The Shape of Things (Come Tomorrow)

Video interviews, part of (Re)Housing the American Dream:A Message from the Future
The participants talk about their future selves, a future America and the future of the world – while reflecting back on our times today. 
What does it mean to be a human being? 
What does it mean to be of my culture?
What does it mean to live in the place I do?
What does it mean to have a voice?
What does it mean to be an American?